Published Illustrations

The Battle of the Food Carts
Spring 2013- The Best Food Carts in Burlington
Bra Sizing
Spring 2013- How to find the best bra size
Battle of Burritos
Spring 2013- the best burritos in Burlington
Spring 2013- On the proper defecation methods
Money in Burlington
Spring 2013- How to spend an economic day in Burlington
Lobsters at the Liquor Store
Spring 2013- A tale of the lobsters from the liquor store.
Snort Go Lean
Spring 2013- Webseries Favorites
Spring 2013-How to disguise holiday weight gain
Spring 2013-How to disguise holiday weight gain
Music Blasting
Music Blasting-Watertower:Fall Semester 2011
Meet the Democrats-Fall 2012. A commentary on the democratic party during the 2012 Election.
Meet the Democrats-Fall 2012. A commentary on the democratic party during the 2012 Election.
Church Street
Church Street- Watertower: Fall 2011
Do the Math
Do the Math: Fall 2012. A lecture on how big oil isn't adding up long term goals.
Nutella-Watertower: Fall 2011
Grundle Guard
Grundle Guard-Watertower: Fall 2011
Money Grubber
Money Grubber-Watertower: Fall 2011
Season's Greetings
Season's Greetings- Watertower: Fall 2011
Death of a Legend: Fall 2012. Renown comic book illustrator and artist, Joe Kubert, passes away.
Death of a Legend: Fall 2012. Renowned comic book illustrator and artist, Joe Kubert, passes away.
Slampiece: Watertower: Fall 2011
Dalai Lama in Middlebury
The Dalai Lama in Middlebury: Fall 2012. The Dalai Lama gets bundled up for his visit up north.
Hate your car copy
Love Hate Relationship with your Car: Fall 2012. How having a car in Burlington can be a plus and a pain
People Watching: Fall 2012. Favorite places to observe the local inhabitants around campus.
People Watching: Fall 2012. Favorite places to observe the local inhabitants around campus.
Only Child copy
The Only Child: Fall 2012. The perks and stereotypes attached to being the only child.
Cat Poop
Culinary Cat: Watertower: Fall 2011
Halloween-Watertower: Fall 2011
Evolution of College copy
Evolution of College: Fall 2012. How college has changed since your parents were there.
Study Music
Study Music: Fall 2012. The best and worst kind of music to listen to when trying to be productive.
Rowling's new book copy
JK Rowling's New Book: Fall 2012. The Casual Vacancy-what would Harry think?
Fashion Commandments copy
The Ten Commandments of Fashion: Fall 2012. The ultimate guide for daily fashion.
Earthware copy
Earthware: Fall 2012. How to help the environment in your dining hall.

The Watertower is a student newspaper at the University of Vermont that uses all hand drawn illustrations, ranging from commentary on student life, politics, music, fashion, and living in Burlington, all in the funniest way possible. All issues of the paper can be found online with their original articles.